9 sept 2010

Got a Postdoc!

Sorry for not updating since so long. Anyway I got some exciting news!

Since September 1 I am a postdoctoral research assistant at the Computational Biology group of the Computer Science Department of the Royal Holloway, University of London, under the supervision of Alberto Paccanaro. Although it might sound really "biologic", the group searches for solutions to biological problems using machine-learning based models. So, in the end, it is machine learning applied to something (biology, in this case).

The position is  for 1.5 years (till the end of February, 2012), and it is not renewable. For me it is a great opportunity to start in the world of Computational Biology, in a high-level group. Also, I would like to keep studying Machine Learning, and trying to develop some work in a more "pure" and "formal" line (but this is not a real priority).

The University seems to have a really nice working atmosphere, and all my colleagues are fantastic. Also, the department is small, but counts with great figures in Computer Science (Vladimir Vapnik since his retirement this year, Alexey Chervonenkis or Glenn Shafer, among others). Also, the fact that is not situated in the center of London makes the campus a quiet and peaceful zone (perfect for thinking and working).

I think it is going to be one of the most important periods of my research career (and probably my life).

6 may 2010

Manuscript of the thesis

I have uploaded the manuscript (and the slides) of my thesis (entitled Document Classification Models Based on Bayesian Networks) in the "publications" section of my webpage (so, if you want to have a look at it, you can). All comments will be welcomed.

29 abr 2010

PhD Defended

Defending the Thesis
Originally uploaded by AlfonsoERomero
At last! Also, with a "cum laude" (maximum mark) as the result. Now, it is time to look for a postdoc.

5 abr 2010

Looking for a postdoc

On April 20 27* I will defend my PhD thesis entitled "Document Classification Models based on Bayesian Networks". It has been a long way, and if everything runs normally, I will be a doctor by the end of this month.

In order to improve and open my scientific interests, I have decided to go for a postdoc in Europe. My current research interests are Document Classification, Information Retrieval and Bayesian networks. Anyway, I am interested in all approaches and applications in Machine Learning (not neccesarily documents), but in fact I am opened to any research topic containing a strong theoretical support.

I have a degree (Ingeniería, like BEng + MSc) in Computer Science, and (will have) a PhD in Computer Science, and I think I have a decent list of publications (here are some of them).

So, if you hear of some interesting offer (or if you maybe can give me one), I will be grateful to listen to it. My email: alfonsoeromero (AT) gmail (DOT) com.
* Finally, I had some problems due to the famous volcano, and the defense was on April 27.